“We see customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job to make the customer experience a little bit better.” — Jeff Bezos

How would you rate your business's customer service experience? Is it top-notch, satisfactory, or does it leave much to be desired?

Cultivate Customer Service Excellence

To obtain customer service excellence work with an accountantBoth online and offline businesses, particularly in the B2B space, have much to gain by cultivating customer service excellence. Even ‘satisfactory’ customer service is no longer good enough.

Long-term relationships and trust should be top priorities. According to research by Salesforce, “94% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience.”

So, where does your business stand, and how can you improve?

The Crucial Business Touchpoints

Every interaction with your customer, whether it's on LinkedIn, in routine emails, at networking events, during webinars or masterclasses, or through your business podcast, is an avenue to enhance the relationship. Each touchpoint offers insights into your customers and potential customers' requirements and challenges.

To engage more effectively, here are some suggestions:

  • Post LinkedIn polls to gather quick feedback on industry trends.
  • Host live webinars or virtual roundtables to address queries.
  • Share expert insights through podcasts and ask for feedback.

Seamless Customer Communication

Are your communication channels transparent and accessible? Can customers contact you directly? In the B2B world, swift responses can make a world of difference.

Enhance accessibility by:

  • Providing multiple avenues for contact. These can be email, phone, or even direct messages through LinkedIn. Ensure that your contact information is visible on your website.
  • Integrate a chatbot on your business website for immediate queries.
  • Regularly update your FAQ section based on customer needs.

The 'Time to Resolution' Metric

A key KPI in customer service is the time it takes to address and resolve issues. The shorter, the better. If most of your concerns are sorted in the first contact, you're on the right track. However, if delays are frequent, it's time to streamline your process.

Monitoring and assessing the full cycle of a customer query can offer insights into areas for improvement.

Address Customer Concerns

Consistent complaints in the same area indicate a systemic issue. Bill Gates is quoted as saying, “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” Pay attention to these concerns, address them, and ensure they don’t recur.

Direct Feedback - The Goldmine of Insights

While digital analytics can provide quantitative data, nothing beats the qualitative insights to be gained from direct customer interactions. Consider:

  • Crafting concise surveys pinpointing their experiences.
  • If possible, conduct personal interviews or focus groups to dive deep into their needs and challenges.

The Path to Excellence

Armed with these insights and data, you're now in a position to enhance the level of customer service you deliver. Continual training, embracing new technologies, and regularly seeking feedback can support you in delivering customer service excellence. These steps can also support you in creating a culture of excellence within your business or organization.

The significance of customer service excellence cannot be overstated, especially in the B2B sector. It's not just about problem-solving, but about building and nurturing relationships.

When you prioritize your customers, you not only build loyalty but drive business growth. As you continue to strive for excellence, you can be confident that you will experience a corresponding growth in your business.


Are you ready to focus on building relationships? Claim your copy of my eBook Relationship Marketing: Key to Small Business Success. If you’d like to learn more about proven methods to improve interactions, improve customer service excellence, and ultimately boost sales, let’s have a conversation. Message me at Yvonne @ 50 and Wiser Coaching dot com.

Thank you for reading.

Fifty and Wiser: 5 Reasons ‘Passion to Profit’ Businesses Fail and What To Do Instead”

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

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