If I were to survey 20 people to find out their definition of customer service, the answers would vary significantly. How do you define customer service?

Business Success through Customer Service & Experience

build relationships with network via customer service

Customer service is the assistance, support, and resolution provided to customers when they have questions, concerns, or issues regarding a product or service. It involves direct interactions and focuses on addressing specific customer needs or problems.

Customer service is critical to your business success, yet this clearly suggests that you and or your staff are reacting or responding to the needs of your clients and customers.

Let's now look at the definition of customer experience!

Customer experience encompasses the entire journey and perception a customer has throughout their interactions with your business. It extends beyond individual transactions and includes every touchpoint, from initial awareness to post-purchase interactions. Customer experience includes the sum of all interactions, including customer service, but also includes factors like website usability, brand messaging, product quality, ease of doing business, and emotional connection. It is a holistic view of the customer's overall impression and satisfaction with a brand.

sweet successIn essence, customer service is a subset of the broader customer experience. While customer service focuses on specific interactions and problem-solving, customer experience takes into account the entire end-to-end journey. It aims to create a consistent and positive impression at every stage.

Customer experience, therefore, takes a more proactive approach. Another key element to remember is that customer experience is defined by the customer, not how well you believe you did, but how the customer felt after the interaction.

Following are three simple ways you can improve the experience your customer has with your brand or your business:

build relationships with network via customer service

Make it Easy for Your Customer to Reach You

Ensuring easy contact with your business is crucial for creating outstanding customer experiences. Imagine visiting a website and struggling to find a name, phone number, or email address. It can feel impersonal and discouraging, especially when the website owner's information is missing.

You must prioritize placing your name and telephone number on every page. Even in today's digital age, having a phone number is essential since research shows that 28% of customers still prefer speaking to someone rather than self-service options.

Customer Service Consultant and Trainer Micah Solomon noted that "The telephone's ability to provide human-on-human interaction with real-time cues continues to make it a powerful brand builder..." To cater to all preferences, it's also a great idea to include a dedicated section on your website for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Failure to make it easy for visitors to your website or online properties to contact you may result in lost business opportunities. Whether online or offline, providing multiple contact options ensures an outstanding customer experience.

2. The Power of Welcoming GesturesThe Power of Welcoming Gestures

A warm and friendly greeting goes a long way in creating a positive customer experience. Just as we would expect a warm reception when visiting someone's home or office, customers desire the same welcoming atmosphere in your business.

A simple smile can make customers feel valued and appreciated, whether it's in-person or over the phone. Remember that a smile can be heard in your voice during phone interactions, infusing your tone with warmth and charm.

Don't wait for customers to come to you; proactively reach out and offer assistance. By saying, "How may I help you?" with genuine care, you demonstrate your willingness to address their needs and challenges. These small gestures can significantly impact the customer's perception and contribute to an exceptional experience.

In addition, strive to be responsive. Customers expect quick and timely responses to their inquiries. Be helpful by going above and beyond to answer their questions and solve their problems. And always be friendly and professional, treating your customers with respect and courtesy.

3. Leaving a Lasting Positive ImpressionLeaving a Lasting Positive Impression

The customer journey begins from the moment your prospect, who later becomes your customer, connects with you personally, or connects with your website, or even through your social media posts.

The goal of every customer interaction should be to leave a lasting positive impression. Just like a memorable movie experience that leaves you with a smile, you want customers to feel the same way when they leave your business or end a call. Even if an issue remains unresolved, your approach to the situation matters. By actively listening, showing respect, and emphasizing their value as both a person and a customer, you can create an outstanding experience for them.

This approach will generally leave the customer satisfied and happy with their interaction. In 2018, Microsoft reported 61% of their respondents have switched brands due to poor customer service.

Customer service is the foundation of the relationship you will have with your customers during their journey with you, but the experience they have at various touchpoints along the journey is critical to retention and customer loyalty.


These three strategies provide a strong foundation for building customer relationships, fostering loyalty, and transforming customers into brand advocates. When you deliver an outstanding customer experience, you're not just making your customers happy. You're also building a strong foundation for your business's success.

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

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