The same thing goes for confidence in all areas of life, including your professional life.

What Is Confidence?

Let's say your success right now requires your ability to sell. To sell a product, to sell an idea, to sell a service, sell a training program. I don't know what it is for you.building self confidence

Well, you might not be confident right now in your ability to communicate the value and close a deal, AKA sell. However, how are you going to get that confidence?

You weren't born with it. Right now you think about yourself going into a situation where you might have to sell somebody, and you're nervous. How do you get to a point where you're confident in doing it?

Well, you go through the nerves, you go through those comfort zones, you put yourself in situations where you're probably not all that comfortable, you're a little bit nervous and you do it.

You learn from it and you make mistakes and you fall on your face, just like you fell on the ground when you were learning how to walk.

But you do this once and you get a little bit of feedback, you get a little bit of insight. Maybe your manager was with you on that sales call and saw a couple of things that you could have improved on and gives you that feedback.

Confidence Matters in the Business World

You go to the next sales call and you make the corrections, and you make a little bit of an improvement.

You don't close the sale, but you go to the third one now, you've got the experience from the first time when you fell on your face, you have the experience from the second time with some feedback coming your way, now you've got this third opportunity to close that deal.

confident like a bossYou get closer and closer and closer to executing whatever it is, whatever this new skill or this new idea that you want to implement into your life is, to a point where you've done it so many times that now you're not thinking about it anymore.

You make that first sale. You make your first 10 sales. You make 100 sales and you get the sales award.

You're at the front of the stage collecting the praise and the money and you've become this sales expert and now your confidence level, which at one point in your life was at zero, is now at a 10, just like it is with walking and so many other skills you've developed in your life over time, through practice and through repetition.

Understand this process. Nobody is born with natural confidence at any level of their life.

If you see somebody who's confident right now, it's because they've developed that confidence by repetitive learning and trying and failing and getting the feedback and doing it again. Having the courage to continue.

Do you have the courage to continue? I think you do. Continue with what you're doing right now, develop that confidence and you'll only continue to grow.

Fifty and Wiser: 5 Reasons ‘Passion to Profit’ Businesses Fail and What To Do Instead”

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

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