If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.

~ Lawrence J. Peter

personal goal-setting

Goals Are Essential

Goals are essential to your business success. Without setting effective goals for yourself and your business, you will not have a clear path to travel on, thus it may feel as if you were on a hamster wheel—always working, being exhausted, but accomplishing very little.

Unfortunately, this is the path that many entrepreneurs are on. They’re constantly feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It’s not a good feeling. I’ve been there and know that feeling can drain you and diminish the passion you feel for your business.

I’m grateful that I am passionate about my business, and if I notice those feelings are overtaking me, I know it’s time to look inward, then look at my systems. In addition, as a coach/consultant, my own coach helps to hold me accountable, as well as be a resource that I can turn to with complete honesty and get support.

Do you ever find yourself struggling in your business, especially as noted above? Do you set goals but fall short of achieving them? Are you making these 5 mistakes with goal-setting?

Take a few minutes and think about what you want to accomplish in your business and make sure you’re not making any of these mistakes in your goal-setting process:


Many people like to set their goals for the entire year in January, or even in December, which is what I recommend. However, while it’s okay to set 12-month goals, why not try setting quarterly goals instead? Many variables can occur within one year. When you have a 90-day goal, it’s easier to make adjustments, especially when things outside of your control affect your results. If the idea of setting even a 90-day goal seems overwhelming, set a timer for 30 minutes and start mapping your goals on paper.

Failing to Prioritize

You can probably brainstorm dozens of goals that you want to achieve but having too many will distract you from the most important ones. Business goals are meant to help you focus, not get distracted. Reduce your list to a minimum and place the most important ones at the top of the list. Then decide which one you’ll work on first.

set goals

Not Working on Your Goals Daily

Every task you undertake should lead you toward your goal. If you’re still doing busy work or behind-the-scenes admin work instead of money-making tasks, consider hiring a virtual assistant. Outsourcing the necessary busy work will free up your time to get creative and focus on your book, next course, or upcoming webinar. Yes, you’ll have to pay your VA but you’ll still end up making more money in the end because you’re solely focused on your money makers.

Make it a habit to ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing taking me closer or further away from my goal?”

Not Being Specific

Saying you want to “make more money” is too vague and you don’t have any way to measure if you’re reaching that goal. “More money” could mean an extra $100 per month or an extra $10,000 per month. Which would you rather see? Be as specific as possible with your goals so you can track your progress.

When you use the S.M.A.R.T goals formula: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Sensitive, you’re able to track your goals more effectively.

Setting Goals That Are Too Lofty

We’re encouraged to ‘dream big.’ It’s important to have big dreams. However, imagine that you set a goal to achieve six figures in a year. While it could happen, it’s rare, if you’ve not yet achieved your first $50,000 goal. Without letting go of your dream, you could break down your goals for achieving your first $50K in 90 days. Based on how close you’ve achieved or surpassed your goal you can dream even bigger and create an action plan for your next goal. The key is to break down your big goals into smaller chunks that make it easier for you to measure your progress.

Remember that as a business owner/entrepreneur you’re running a business, not pursuing a hobby. So, think like a business person and visualize where you want to see your business in one year. What goals do you need for that to happen? What action steps do you need to take every day to make those goals a reality?

Share what you’re struggling with within the Comments. I answer each comment. If you’re looking for a coach to hold you accountable, then reach out to me to schedule your personal Client Relations Assessment. You will leave the call with a Mini Goal-Setting Action Plan for the next 90 days.

– Yvonne A Jones

Fifty and Wiser: 5 Reasons ‘Passion to Profit’ Businesses Fail and What To Do Instead”

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

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