It’s not something we really think about but having good leadership skills is important in every aspect of our life. Leadership skills are needed when we are going through challenges and difficulties. They are necessary when we need to solve problems or make decisions.

business leadership

Leadership Skills

Leadership skills play a role in how we raise our children, deal with taking care of elderly parents and how we manage our money. As parents, for instance, we want to raise our children to be confident, well-adjusted adults. In order to do that, we must first have the leadership skills that will inspire them to follow our example.

"Man, often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning."~ Mahatama Gandhi

How Leadership Works in Different Areas of Life

"Positivity, confidence, and persistence are key in life, so never give up on yourself." ~ Khalid

leaderCareer. Good leadership skills help you advance your career, go after the career you want and while doing so, inspire others to follow you. Skills like having humility, good communication skills and integrity all go hand in hand in pursuing a satisfying career.

Business. Owning your own business or managing a business requires many skills. Those who succeed have good leadership skills. They’re accountable for their finances and they hold themselves responsible for their actions. They have good negotiation skills and inspire others.

Example: When others say that it’s not possible or they can’t do it and there are too many problems, you and your team come up with an idea or solution. That is leadership.

Parenting. Parenting is not just about bringing a child into the world and hoping they grow up okay. It’s about guiding, leading, inspiring and showing the child the skills such as responsibility, confidence, humility, managing their time and helping others.

Example: When parents take responsibility to prepare food for kids, get kids ready for school, give needed discipline, and organize the home, they are showing leadership skills.

Friendship. Leadership skills in friendships does not mean everyone always does what you want or say. Instead, it means following your own morals and inspiring others to do the right thing. It means not criticizing others for being different from you.

Example: When you guide, inspire or lead others to follow and do what is right instead of following the crowd, it is a form of leadership.

Students. Leadership skills are found in the way you participate in sports, clubs, participate in classroom discussions and, help others.

Example: When you complete your assignments and your to-do lists each day, it is leadership.

Social: Leadership skills play an important part in your social and environmental life as well. By taking a stand against or for something, finding a solution to a problem that affects many, or by helping those less advantageous as you, you demonstrate leadership skills.

Example: Finding a way to reduce or clean pollution from your area and taking action to do it, is leadership. Another example is simply do an act of kindness. Opening a door for a total stranger or standing so that an older person can sit.

"I've learned to ignore the negative people and just be a living example of confidence and self-love." ~ Khoudia Diop

be a leader not a boss

Why Traditional Leadership Fails

 Traditional leadership models, also known as Authoritative/Directive leadership, is a management style that’s been used for many years.

The definition of an authoritative leadership style, according to Wikipedia (source), is exemplified when a leader dictates policies and procedures, decides what goals are to be achieved, and directs and controls all activities without any meaningful participation by the subordinates. Such a leader has full control of the team, leaving low autonomy within the group.

This type of total control is outdated and often leaves employees, for example, feeling that their opinions don’t matter. They are being led by a dictatorship. This encourages feelings of resentment.

Traditional leadership is:

  • Controlled
  • Dominates without interaction
  • Independently sets policies and procedures
  • Has one-way communication
  • Are often poor listeners and problem solvers

This type of leadership fails in today’s business world. It doesn’t allow room for constructive feedback, creative thinking and innovation. Employees may feel that they don’t have any input and are powerless to change things. The success or failure of the business/project depends on the manager’s or leader’s knowledge and expertise. And finally, it limits the growth of employees with experience, making them potentially look for work elsewhere.

Instead, emerging leaders want to display a newer type of leadership that allows for more flexibility, demonstrates empathy, inspires workers, and shares control and responsibility for projects. It also allows employees to work independently without being micromanaged.

Effective leadership skills can be displayed in all areas of life and affects all types of relationships—both business and personal endeavors. Taking the time to develop the skills are relevant to today’s leaders is a good investment of time and resources.

Fifty and Wiser: 5 Reasons ‘Passion to Profit’ Businesses Fail and What To Do Instead”

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

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