It's no secret that the more we get done each day, the more successful we can be. In addition, using our time more effectively allows us more free time.

Let's face it, we all have the same hours, yet time always appears to be in short supply. You'll make better use of your time by finding ways to get more out of your day.

Productive Day – Definition

A productive day is when you complete your most important tasks, which move the project forward in a positive way.

Increasing your productivity can have a positive impact on both your professional and personal life.

Let's start finding ways to make the most of our time and boost productivity!

Use These Tips to Get More Done in Less Time

  • Plan

    To get the most out of any day, knowing what you're going to do before the day begins is essential. Decide how you're going to spend your day the night before. That way, you can get busy accomplishing things first thing in the morning rather than trying to decide what to do.

today to think about tomorrow

  • Get up earlier

    Many of the world's most productive and successful people share the habit of rising early. You'll be surprised how much more you can accomplish and how much better you feel about the day if you start your day a little bit earlier.

  • Turn off social media

    Social media is valuable to your business if used correctly. At the same time, it can be a time-waster. Make sure you clearly identify whatever time you allocate to engage in social media activities for work, including business relationships and supporting your customers. Set aside a block of time in the evening to catch up with your friends and family, but avoid wasting too much time on this type of activity during the hours you've scheduled for work. While you cannot ignore social media, please do not let it become a distraction and sabotage your efforts to have a productive day.

  • Say "no" more often

    It's easier to be productive in a meaningful way if you're attempting to do fewer things each day. Be willing to say no to tasks, obligations, and people that get in the way of your productivity. Make it a point to leverage your time as well as you can.
    ● Make a list of how you actually spend your time on an average day. Do you see any activities you can eliminate? Saying "no" can also mean refusing yourself the opportunity to waste your time on meaningless activities.

  • Stick to one task at a time

    Multitasking is for people that don't want to be productive. Choose one task, complete it, and then move on to a new task. Many studies have shown that multitasking is ineffective.

  • Focus on the most critical task or steps

    Avoid just doing the easiest or most enjoyable tasks. Focus on completing the most important tasks, and you'll be much more productive.

  • Take regular breaks

    You might get less done in the short term, but you'll undoubtedly accomplish much more over a long workday. Taking frequent breaks refreshes your brain and makes it easier to focus. You'll be much more effective in the afternoon if you take breaks earlier in the day.

poductive day with regular breaks

How productive are you? How would your life improve if you got more done each day?

Most of us could use a couple more hours each day. Unfortunately, no one has found a practical way to alter time. However, you can learn to make better use of your time. You're probably not as productive as you could be. Please pay attention to how you're using your time, so you make the most of it.

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

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