“Increased productivity indicates greater output from the same amount of input. It means higher efficiency with which a company or economy can transform resources into goods. Thus, productivity growth is our opportunity to create more from less.” ~ SimpliLearn ~
5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Productivity
A cluttered workspace is not only an eyesore; it also decreases productivity.
If your work area looks like it was the victim of a natural disaster, your productivity will suffer. Creating an organized workspace is a significant first step toward increased productivity.
You may be organized in other areas of your life, but keeping your workspace organized, especially when you work from home, maybe a bigger challenge. Let’s explore some strategies together.
Strategy Overview
Before diving into specific strategies for increased productivity, it’s essential to grasp the bigger picture. An organized workspace isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about creating an environment that actively supports your goals. By addressing clutter, categorizing items, and defining specific places for everything, you lay the foundation for a workflow that minimizes distractions and maximizes productivity.
Now, let’s explore five strategies that can make your workspace more organized and increase productivity.
Organize Your Desk
Remove visual distractions: Artwork done by your children, hundreds of photos of your last vacation, motivational sayings – all of these could be impeding your productivity and preventing you from focusing on work. Research indicates that when you’re surrounded by clutter, it creates more stress and leads to decision fatigue. Every item you see represents a decision – whether it’s to act on it, move it, read it, or simply what to do next.
Take a look at the items that are on your desk. Do they all belong there? Any files or papers that should be put away in the correct storage locations should be stored away now. If there are pens lying around on the desktop, check to see if they work, and if they don’t throw them in the trash.
Are there old articles, newspapers, or advertising materials lying about? If they’re unneeded, recycle them.
Look again at any old binders or files to assess the contents. If the information and papers inside are old or won’t ever be needed again, get rid of them. Be ruthless.
Tackle Your Hard Drive
Organize Your Computer: If your computer desktop has fifty icons on it and your email list has hundreds of emails, it’s time to clean those areas. If documents have been saved there for years or icons are cluttering your whole screen, you’ll struggle to identify the ones you need quickly when you need them most. Make sure that all important documents are stored in logical folders and remove any unused icons from your desktop.
Organize Emails: Spend a day organizing emails. Ensure that unimportant emails are deleted and important emails are organized into folders so you can refer to them when you need them. If you have unread mail, read it and decide where it goes next.
It’s all too easy to allow your emails to get out of control, especially if you receive hundreds every day. However, setting some time aside to sort out your folders and delete the trash will help to make things manageable again.
Once your inbox is tidy, it’s important to stay on top of the task. Make it your aim to have zero inbox messages before you go to bed.
In the past, this task became so overwhelming for me, I hired a Virtual Assistant just to take care of deleting emails and sorting them. I have, unfortunately, ignored my growing Inbox for some time and will have to repeat the process. It can become overwhelming to see thousands of emails in my Inbox, even if I only read the important emails. This is an area I will be working on along with you.
General Tips for Workspace Organization
- Get rid of junk. Have you used an item in the workplace recently? Are you realistically going to use it again? Create separate piles to be dealt with later. Three piles should have – a trash pile, store pile, and to-do pile.
- Create an effective storage system. As long as it makes sense to you, it will get the job done.
- Tackle the to-do pile. Make folders for every project or client you’re working with. As soon as the project is complete, go through the folder and throw out any unimportant documents inside. Then, store the folder in an appropriate location.
- Maintain a clear desk. Once your desk surface is visible, set aside time every week to keep on top of this. The one-touch rule can help with this. Basically, as soon as a piece of paper touches your desk, deal with it straight away. Act on it, file it, or place it in the garbage. This applies to emails and messages too.
- Use technology in the best way possible to save yourself time and effort. Keep an online organizer to combine your to-do list, calendar, and address book in one convenient location.
Empower Your Workspace
Separate home space and workspace for increased productivity.
It doesn’t matter whether you work best on the patio or in your home office, make sure that wherever you choose to work, it is distraction-free once you sit down to work.
Make sure your workspace inspires you.
Most people find that working in a cluttered space creates clutter in the mind. Set aside a morning and reorganize your workspace—but think about it first:
Are you using the best area for you? The best room? Is there a different room you can use?
Ask yourself, “Does my workspace stimulate creativity? Does it energize me?
Simple décor touches
Sometimes a single potted plant on a corner of your desk or on a stand where you can see it easily as you work can have a positive effect. You bring the outdoors inside.
If the lighting is poor, adding a desk lamp or a strategically placed standing lamp with a “daylight” bulb will add more light. Take advantage of natural light where possible.
Find what works for you so you can create an organized workspace, one that helps you achieving increased productivity.
As we covered, clutter and disorganization in your workspace can affect your productivity. Download your copy of “Clear the Chaos to Maximize Productivity and Profits.”
Is the clutter in your workspace affecting your productivity? Which of the above strategies will you start to implement first?
Please share what resonated with you in the comments below.