Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy
Building relationships through emails is a skill that has become more important and urgent to master.
Every day we're inundated with hundreds of emails in our Inbox. If like me, you have multiple email addresses, there's, even more, to wade through, and it's important to find a way to go through emails quickly.
How do you decide which emails to read first?
Many marketers teach that your subject line is critical as that is the determining factor for readers to open your emails.
After being online for over nine years, talking with other marketers and coaches, and reading published material, it's clear that the market has changed. Good subject lines are important, but there is more.
The emails I open first are the ones from individuals with whom I've built a relationship. I have come to know, like, and trust them.
I may glance at the subject line to determine urgency, but it's the “Who”, not the “What” that determines which emails I read first, or read at all.
How about you? What is your “decision factor”?
Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement,
all success, all achievement in real life grows. –Ben Stein
In a guest post on AWeber's blog, Ryan Robinson shared some excellent strategies for building relationships in How to Use Email Marketing to Build Meaningful Relationships.
He speaks of relationships that are beyond just transactional. Transactional refers to a one-time sale, whereas we want to build relationships, one customer at a time, through a nurturing process call relationship marketing.
The goal here is to allow your customers and clients to become emotionally attached to you so that they become your loyal customers and clients as opposed to people who purchase from you on a one-time basis.
Ryan expands further on this and gives an outstanding example of one of his first emails that set the tone for the relationship.
Are you building relationships through emails?
3 replies to "Building Relationships Through Emails for Customer Retention"
You have me thinking as I have let my own email marketing fall away- that will change as of March. Thanks for the link to the aweber article- will read .
I have just spent a week unsubscribing as so much email I don’t open
What I do open is my mentors and very specific ones for my art and biz
I can relate to the overwhelm from too many emails, Suzie. While we’d like everyone to open our emails, we know it’s not always going to happen.
People are super busy these days. Nonetheless, it’s one of the most effective ways to stay in contact with your subscribers.
Answers are right in front of my eyes. Overlooked.