Micro-habits are small changes that will improve your results.

Change is the one constant feature in our lives, yet it’s something we don’t like to do. It can be hard to change because we’ve created habits or patterns of behavior that are comfortable and convenient for us.

When we make changes, we now have to step out of our comfort zone and we’re also asking our brain to create a new pattern of thinking.

Small changes can make huge destination changes. ~ Sean Covey

Start With Small Changes that Become Micro-Habits

micro habits to be made

Since change is inevitable, start with small changes. Instead of trying to make massive changes in different areas of your life, what if you focused on small changes that become micro-habits?

Science has proven that making a few small habit changes is the best way to create effective and lasting change.

B.J. Fogg, PhD, Stanford University Behavior Scientist noted that the key to success is to think small when wanting to develop new behavior or routines. 

If you are ready to get started making this the year you improve your results in various areas of your life, start with these five simple micro-habits.

  • Set Boundaries: What is the one thing you consistently do that depletes your time and energy but no longer brings you joy? Now’s the time to choose yourself over commitments that you feel obliged to keep. Plan a way to get out of these time and energy draining activities. And when new opportunities come up, take some time to decide if they will genuinely enhance your life or end up merely stealing your time. This may be a good time to start learning to say, No. Start small.
  • Plan your Most Important Tasks: Ever get to your desk in the morning and wonder where even to start? Too often we live and work in survival mode and never get around to the tasks that matter. One simple way to combat this is to plan your MIT's—Most Important Tasks—for tomorrow before you leave work for the day. When you arrive in the morning, you’ll exactly know what to start working on, and you’ll avoid wasting time thinking through what you did yesterday.
  • Start a Journal: Many people may dismiss the value of writing in a journal. I was skeptical for a long time too. I could not see how writing my thoughts and ideas in a book could support my growth as a person and a business owner. Until I tried it. One way to begin acknowledging our accomplishments is by starting a journal. Journaling helps us work out problems, counteract stress and track our progress in life. It’s easy to overlook all the little gains we make during a single year, and looking back through a journal is a great way to see how far we’ve come. We can dream about where we want to go next and create a plan of action to get there.
  • Take Time to Exercise: Moving our bodies around is good for lots of reasons beyond staying fit. It’s also about releasing those feel-good hormones that keep us happy and energized. Look at your schedule and see how you can work 30 minutes of exercise into your day. Start small. Remember that we’re talking about micro-habits or small changes that we can practice regularly so they become a habit. After a few days, you’ll begin to wonder how you managed without the stress relief and energy exercising gives you. When you don’t engage in the activity, you’ll miss it, which will confirm for you that you’ve created a habit you can expand on.
  • Dedicate Time to Your Interests: When was the last time you did something during the week that you enjoyed? Many of us say we’ll participate in a hobby on the weekend, but when the time comes, we spend it doing chores or taking care of things that didn’t get done during the week.

I color the items in my Planner according to categories. For example, blue is for anything spiritual, green is for anything paid, etc. and yellow is for family and FUN. I’m a firm believer that you should have FUN in your business.vision and goal

On picking up my manual Planner recently, I realized that yellow was the least color in my schedule. I immediately set about changing that and am still working on it. It’s so easy to get caught up in serving others that you forget to take time and do fun things for yourself.

Instead of watching mindless TV or scrolling through social media after you wash the dishes, spend time doing something you love. Put together a puzzle, knit a scarf, pull out those watercolors, or maybe for me I’ll start writing those short stories I’ve been wanting to. Just let the ideas flow.

Whatever passion you think you are too busy to enjoy anymore, make time for it and watch how much joy it adds to your life. Remember that You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup.

Take a look at your life. Do some self-scrutiny and decide where you can make changes so that you enjoy this journey of life and be able to support others on your journey. Start with micro-habits or small to improve your results.

You may also enjoy reading “Why Self-Discipline in Entrepreneurship is Important.

Fifty and Wiser: 5 Reasons ‘Passion to Profit’ Businesses Fail and What To Do Instead”

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

    2 replies to "5 Micro-Habits That Will Improve Your Results"

    • Hi Yvonne,

      I really enjoyed reading this post and was able to relate to many things
      – living and working in survival mode
      – setting boundaries
      – colour coding your activities (I’ve heard of it but never tried!)
      – I do tend to scribble my thoughts, but I often don’t read them again. Is the purpose of keeping a journal just to pour your busy brain out on paper?

    • Hi Neha,

      I’m grateful that you were able to relate to several points I shared in the article.

      You asked a great question about journaling. Jornaling is a powerful process, and is a lot more
      that just brain-dumping. It serves many purposes. A significant one is creating an awareness
      of the changes that you want to make and as you document your progress, it allows you to see
      how far you have come. There are other types of journaling that are more focused on things like

      A Gratitude allows you to document what you’re grateful for and why. You can take it a step further
      and document what you learn from each gratitude activity you document.

      Thank you, Neha. I hope my response helped to give some clarity.


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