“We become what we repeatedly do.” ~Sean Covey

Lately, I’ve noticed that there’s been a lot of talk online that creating habits does not work. Individuals who share this belief reason that life is unpredictable,  so setting routines is useless. What do you think?  Are creating habits a waste of time? What if I told you that small, manageable habits have the potential to improve your daily life?

Simple Habits for Success

Success often hinges on the small, consistent actions we take daily. Simple habits for success include setting clear, achievable goals, prioritizing tasks to focus on what matters most, and maintaining a routine that balances productivity with self-care. Cultivating a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability also plays a crucial role. By integrating these straightforward habits into your daily life, you create a solid foundation for achieving long-term success and personal growth.

I completely understand that it’s not always easy to maintain the habits we create. For example, one of the habits I’ve tried to create is to start my day early—6:00 am or earlier, and put in at least one hour into my writing before I do anything else in my home, including making breakfast for my husband and myself.

This may be writing another chapter or a portion of a chapter, in my first business book which I hope to complete before the end of 2024.  It may also be writing an article for Medium.com (an online publishing platform) or a blog post. Unfortunately, my sleep pattern can be irregular. If I wake up at 2:00 am and stay awake until 4:30 am, there’s no way I can get up and write effectively at 6:00 am.

journal to record simple habits for success

Even when my sleep pattern disrupts my schedule, I’ve learned to be flexible and keep the habit intact. I may start later, but keep my commitment to writing each day.

When you implement simple action habits, you can boost your success in all areas of life. The key is to create simple, manageable habits that fit into your daily activities. This way you avoid goals that are overwhelming and are not sustainable.

This article will explore seven key habits that have the potential to help you thrive—ranging from setting goals to improving your mindset, relationships, and personal growth. The beauty of these habits is that they’re not overwhelming and can be easily incorporated into your daily routine for lasting results.

Setting Goals: The Foundation for Success

Setting clear, actionable goals is one of the most powerful habits you can create.  Goals provide direction and help you focus on what’s most important in your life. Whether you want to advance in your career, improve personal relationships, or work on personal development, the first step is to define the specific goals you want to reach.

How do you do this?  Think about which areas of your life need a boost. Set both short-term and long-term goals to help you measure your progress. Make sure that your goals are S.M.A.R.T: Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Time-Sensitive. Writing down your goals also increases accountability and makes them more tangible. When you have a clear destination, it’s easier to stay motivated and on track.

Thinking Positively – A Simple Habit for Success

The world can be a negative place, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking. However, positive thinking is a habit that can completely reshape how you approach life. Quite often this requires a mindset shift.

Positive thinking doesn’t mean you ignore life’s challenges. It simply means that you approach unpleasantness more productively by focusing on what can go right, instead of what can go wrong.

A practical way to nurture positivity is by writing down positive thoughts daily. Over time, this rewires your brain to focus on the good rather than the bad.

When you try to focus on the positive aspects of life, you’ll find that your mindset shifts naturally, allowing you to see challenges as opportunities and approach life with a renewed sense of optimism. This will enhance your mental health and improve your overall outlook on life.

meditation and prayer

Meditating and Praying

Meditation is one of the best habits to reduce stress and find mental clarity. The key is consistency, not duration. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to dedicate hours to meditation to experience its benefits. Even a few minutes daily can help clear your mind, calm your emotions, and provide mental clarity.

I combine meditation with prayer. Meditation helps me focus on specific areas in my life, what I’ve learned, and how to apply them to my life. Prayer reminds me that I do not need to rely solely on myself—a higher power supports me. You can choose what habit you create in this area.

By making meditation and prayer part of your daily routine, you’ll be better equipped to handle challenges.

Sleep Routine: Enhancing Well-Being

Good sleep is essential for both physical and mental health, but many people struggle with sleep due to irregular routines. As I shared earlier, I’m one of those who struggle with a consistent sleep pattern.

Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is a habit that can improve your well-being significantly. Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends. This consistency helps reset your body’s internal clock, leading to better quality sleep. While I’ve tried this for years and it does not work perfectly for me, if you fail to create a sleep habit, you will never know if it will work for you.

With better sleep, you’ll feel more energized, focused, and prepared to tackle the challenges of the day. A well-rested mind is a key component of success and productivity. And to this, I heartily agree. When I get my full rest, I’m unstoppable with the level of energy and focus that day! 😊

Building Strong Relationships

a) Personal – Offer genuine compliments

Giving genuine compliments is a small but impactful habit that can strengthen your relationships, both personal and professional. When you offer a sincere compliment, you’re not only boosting someone else’s self-esteem, but you’re also building and nurturing a sense of connection and goodwill.

Start with small gestures like compliments or regular check-ins.  In many aspects of life, success often hinges on collaboration and support from others. Over time, these simple habits build trust and strengthen connections that can be truly valuable in both personal and professional settings.

b) Business Relationships

(i) Offer genuine praise and recognition

Just as compliments can uplift friends and family, they are vital in business relationships. You’re still interacting with people—just in a different setting.  When you recognize a client’s hard work or acknowledge your peer’s contribution to a project they create goodwill and trust. People need to feel valued.  This increases loyalty and builds an emotional connection. Make it a habit to offer praise but go a step further and highlight specific actions or qualities that genuinely stand out.

(ii)  Business: Communicate regularly

Regular, open communication with clients and peers is crucial. Make it a habit to check in to help, not just when you need something. Share updates or simply to sustain a warm relationship. Regular touchpoints build a sense of connection and ensure that you stay top of mind. These do not have to be complex.  Tools, like email, social media, or casual check-ins help to nurture these bonds over time.

Decluttering: Create Space for Focus

A cluttered environment often leads to a cluttered mind. While it’s not always practical for your entire home or workspace to be spotless, keeping the areas you use the most uncluttered can significantly improve your focus and productivity.

Start by decluttering one area of your life—your desk, kitchen, or living space. Small, consistent efforts can create a calming environment that fosters creativity and efficiency. You’ll notice that when your surroundings are organized, it’s easier to stay focused on the goals you’ve set.

lifelong learning

Lifelong Learning: Personal Growth and Development

Another habit that leads to long-term success is committing to lifelong learning. Whether you’re interested in a hobby, career advancement, or personal growth, continuous learning keeps you adaptable and open to new opportunities. You can start small by watching YouTube videos on topics of interest or taking online courses through platforms like Udemy or edX.

Regular learning, whether through formal education or self-study, helps you stay competitive in today’s fast-paced world. Moreover, it keeps your mind sharp and curious, allowing you to approach challenges with a fresh perspective.

Actionable Steps to Get Started to Create Simple Habits for Success 

Now that you understand the power of these small habits, it’s time to start putting them into action. Begin by choosing one or two simple habits for success from this article to focus on. Whether it’s setting goals, decluttering, or committing to a daily meditation and prayer practice, remember that consistency is the key to long-term success.

Here are a few quick ideas to help you get started:

Reframe negative thoughts: Try the “money jar” technique—place a nickel in the jar for every negative thought, and a quarter for every negative statement you make. This will help you become more mindful of your thoughts and gradually shift them towards positivity.

Volunteer regularly: Many companies offer volunteer opportunities, or you can look for local organizations in your community. Volunteering is a great way to give back while building connections and learning new skills.

Join a learning community: If you desire to learn new skills, find a club or group focused on that subject. Learning alongside others provides motivation and opens the door to valuable new connections.

Conclusion: Simple Habits for a More Successful Life

Creating small, intentional habits can have a transformative impact on your life. By incorporating these simple practices—such as setting goals, decluttering, meditation and prayer, positive thinking, and commitment to learning—you can steadily improve your well-being, relationships, and overall success. These simple habits for success do not require drastic changes but rather small, consistent efforts that, over time, will lead to significant results.

By embracing these small, intentional habits, and creating manageable routines, you’re laying the foundation for a brighter, more successful future. One step at a time.

Fifty and Wiser: 5 Reasons ‘Passion to Profit’ Businesses Fail and What To Do Instead”

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

    6 replies to "7 Simple Habits to Boost Success and Improve Daily Life"

    • I don’t know who says habits don’t work because life is too unpredictable. I’ve been around the block enough times to know that this is precisely why we have to have habits. I’m always attempting to improve my habits and get consistent with them.

      Another excellent post!

      • Thank you, Rick. It’s interesting that I read these statements on a platform where many of us submit articles. I’ve always felt that while influencers have the right to express their opinions, they should also be aware that their words are often viewed with authority and can impact others negatively.

    • I like the “actionable steps” you provided to make implementation easier. Thanks for sharing.

      • Thanks for reading and leaving a comment @Ngozi. I’m glad the actionable steps resonated with you. I appreciate you.

    • shawn

      Great post. I believe that consistent practice of Good Habits is beneficial, just as bad habits are detrimental.

    • I agree with you, Shawn. The challenge is that it’s so easy for us to fall into the habits that do not serve us at the highest level. It takes determination to start and maintain good habits.

      Thanks for reading and leaving a thoughtful comment.

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