Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

~ Jim Rohn

How can you use self-discipline to achieve your goals? Isn’t self-discipline restrictive and a form of punishment?

Self-discipline is often confused with being harsh with oneself. These are two distinct states altogether.

Mind Tools defines self-discipline as “the ability to push yourself forward, stay motivated, and take action, regardless of how you’re feeling, physically or emotionally. You’re showing it when you intentionally choose to pursue something better for yourself, and you do it in spite of factors such as distractions, hard work, or unfavorable odds.”

Why Do We Need Self-Discipline?

You need self-discipline so as to achieve your goals.

Self-discipline is the power to refuse to submit to instant and immediate gratification and pleasure, in favor of some higher gain or more substantial results, even if this calls for effort and time.

achieve your goals
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

Self-discipline also gives you the power to stick with your decisions and follow through on them without changing your mind, especially in the case of challenges and adversity.

Self-discipline thus becomes a critical factor in goal accomplishment.

When you practice and master self-discipline, it provides you with the inner strength to overcome negative habits, like procrastination, laziness, and addictions. Instead, you’re enabled to take positive actions to achieve a more beneficial way of life. A life that is in alignment with the goals you’ve set for yourself.

If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, you’re aware of the numerous distractions which come your way and from different directions daily.

You also know that for your business to grow and succeed, your focus should be on maximum, high-quality productivity in all areas of your business.

This is where discipline plays a vital role.

Author H. Jackson Brown said, “Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There’s plenty of movement, but you never know if it’s going forward, backwards, or sideways.”

Being busy does not always equate to being productive. That quote is a pretty good description of a business owner’s or entrepreneur’s day without discipline.

Look at your daily activities. Which activities contribute to producing the results you want? Which activities don’t? What is cutting into your time each day without giving you a return on investment of time or money?

Create a daily routine which maximizes your productivity and prioritizes your tasks, then stick with it. The more you do this, the stronger your self-discipline will become.

Self-discipline is a skill you can learn and strengthen. The payoff in your business will be huge.

Perseverance in Support of Self-Discipline

self-discipline to keep personal or business journalHave you ever begun a project—personal or business—with a great deal of enthusiasm but find your enthusiasm waning after a short time?

There are times when making the decision not to proceed further is warranted. You may discover that it would not be a good use of your time, or it’s not the best way to achieve a particular goal.

The real issue is whether you’re giving up because you’re unwilling to follow through as a result of minor challenges? Do you quit because of a lack of self-discipline and willingness to persevere?

How does it make you feel when you easily give up? Do you begin to lack faith in your abilities? Do you feel disappointed in yourself and your ability to persevere?

Strategies to Strengthen Perseverance

  • Before you commit to an activity and take action, think carefully and do a careful analysis. Very often we quit projects because we started on emotion and did not properly evaluate their usefulness.
  • Establish your priorities before you begin. What is more crucial now? Is this activity going to take me closer or further from my goals?
  • Whenever you feel that you're losing exuberance and interest, consider and visualize the advantages, and how what you're doing will benefit and better your life, as well as the lives of others.
  • Begin with easy exercises designed to develop self-discipline and perseverance, and with tasks that you are able to achieve quickly.

These are some ways you can build self-confidence and faith in yourself, and you’ll step by step be able to accomplish things that call for more effort. In time, you’ll be able to utilize the skills you develop, to follow and hang in with any plan, project, goal or resolution.

Developing a high level of perseverance will strengthen self-discipline and propel you to push forward with motivation so that you’re able to accomplish your goals.

Self-discipline and perseverance are two topics which relate to Personal Development for business owners and entrepreneurs. They are also topics in the curriculum for The International Profit Circle, a budget-friendly hybrid membership/group coaching program, which you can learn about by clicking this link.

Fifty and Wiser: 5 Reasons ‘Passion to Profit’ Businesses Fail and What To Do Instead”

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

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