“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

In my blog post on Entrepreneurial Thinking That Leads to Success , I shared that your current mindset does not have to be your blueprint for life. If you need to change your mindset, it is possible to do so. The unique qualities you develop will help you develop the mindset for success.

While the definition of success is different for everyone, the persons who consider themselves to be successful will acknowledge and attribute their accomplishments to having a mindset of success or a winning mindset.

For example, while great athletes have the physical ability and devote themselves to long hours of training, they create a winning mindset. They can see themselves winning the race despite any challenges that may come up. They have a strong determination and visualize that goal repeatedly. How so successfully achieve their goals?

traits of entrepreneurs who build strong relationships

5 Unique Qualities of Entrepreneurs

Face Challenges

face challengesMost people are afraid of challenges and their first response may be to give in or take flight.

Successful entrepreneurs see challenges as growth opportunities.

This, in itself, may be a challenge for new entrepreneurs to accept. Yet, by slowly developing the habit of looking beyond what you can see in the present and looking at the end result, you’ll discover that as you overcome small challenges or hurdles, you’ll have the confidence to take on bigger challenges and make bolder decisions in your business.

Be Optimistic: Learn from Everything

One of the unique qualities of entrepreneurs is to be optimistic. This does not mean you’ll blindly take risks and see how things turn out. Not at all. Rather, being optimistic allows you to see everything as a learning experience. This includes both successes and failures.optimistic woman

Errors and mistakes teach you much more than your successes will. When something in your business fails, you can analyze the failure and figure out what went wrong so that you can do it right the next time. And because of the negative effects, you’re going to take extra caution to ensure that the situation does not recur. A successful person does not allow their ego to get in the way. They’re able to view the experience objectively and take corrective action.

Critical Thinking: Focus on Problem Solving

critical thinkingAnother unique quality of successful entrepreneurs is critical thinking. Entrepreneurs who have developed critical thinking focus on solving problems by carefully observing and analyzing what created the problem and identify the best ways to solve it.

Critical thinking involves listening carefully to what others say as well as to what they do not say and apply your knowledge to solve the problem.

One way to effectively use this quality is to listen to the problems that the people you serve are experiencing and identify solutions. This is how you can create products and services that meet their needs and solve their problems.

The result is that customers or clients will happily pay for a product or service that solves their problem and takes away their pain.

Be Others Focused: Always be Connecting

Successful business owners need to be others-focused. This means staying in contact with their clients/customers and building strong relationships so that their clients become their raving fans and ardent referral partners.focused

They also know that it’s important to build relationships with people in many different fields. Therefore, they should always be looking for opportunities to connect with others. These valuable contacts can offer their expertise and help when you need it, and you could also be a valuable resource for them.

For this reason, entrepreneurs talk to everyone, everywhere they go, and see every person as a potential contact. This includes people outside of their industry. You never know who might be valuable to know. If you want to grow your business, get in the habit of getting out of your orbit and meeting new people.

Your Passion: Action, Not Words

Entrepreneurs are passionate about what they do and strive for continuous improvement. They demonstrate this by taking action. Of course, they have to plan and they plan very well, but when it's time to act, they can act decisively. A successful entrepreneur knows that you sometimes have to leap without a net to catch you. But they do it anyway because they are aware that they learn as they get out there and do it, not by sitting at their desk.

Thank you for reading. Which of these qualities resonate with you the most?

If you’d like to learn how to build a successful business from the bottom up, contact me to schedule your complimentary “Business Assessment.” You will leave the session with strategies to build your business.

Fifty and Wiser: 5 Reasons ‘Passion to Profit’ Businesses Fail and What To Do Instead”

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

    6 replies to "5 Unique Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs"

    • Some great tips Yvonne, I think that the one that resonated with me the most is ‘learning from everything’ this is so important and also to reflect on what it means and the path forward. Thank you for sharing.

      • I’m delighted that you received value, Amanda. Learning from each experience means that we can decide what we will do more or less of in the future. Thanks for your comments.

    • Love this post Yvonne. I am here to say mindset, mindset, mindset. Create a winning mindset by learning and growing and great things will happen.

      • Thank you, Belanie. Cultivating a winning mindset is essential as we grow so that the great things you referred to can happen for each of us.

    • All of these are great qualities to consider for those wondering if entrepreneurship is right for them.

      I was talking to someone yesterday about how important passion to an entrepreneur because loving our work makes it easier to take the necessary actions and so that actions don’t seem like dreadful chores.

    • Our mindset is at the foundation of what we do as entrepreneurs. I totally agree with you about the importance of passion. When we’re passionate about what we do and have the right mindset, we have a winning combination. Thank you for adding to the conversation, Rachel.

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