“Every phase in our life requires a renewed mindset. For the mature woman in business, it’s not about starting over but about moving forward with wisdom.”~ Yvonne A Jones

Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with ups and downs. For mature female business owners, it can feel even more intense. So, how do we build a mindset that sets us up for success, given our rich experiences and the expectations around us?

Understanding Mindset in the Light of Experience

Mindset is really about our beliefs. And for us, mature women in business, these beliefs have been shaped by the events in our life – our highs and lows. It’s more than just a set attitude; it’s how we’ve grown and learned over the years.

Transforming Your Mindset for Success

Changing one’s mindset can be challenging, especially when those beliefs have been with us for years. Here are seven strategies to support your mindset transformation:

stepping stones to success mindsetEmbrace Self-awareness

Know your weak spots and be aware of vulnerabilities. Be aware of situations or people that might drag you back into old thinking patterns. We've all met naysayers; decide how much space you give them in your life. Choose wisely.

Reframe Challenges

See obstacles as chances to learn and grow. That ‘rock’ in your path? It’s an opportunity or a lesson. After facing challenges, success feels even better and tastes even sweeter.

See Failures as Lessons

We'll face setbacks. But each one has something to teach us. We can always gain a nugget of wisdom if we look carefully. Accept the lesson and bounce back.

Own Your Narrative

Don't let anyone else tell your story or define your path on your journey. We've heard lots of unsolicited advice over the years. Smile at them, nod, say thank you, and keep moving.

Prioritize Self-growth

The world keeps changing, and we need to keep up. Invest in learning and mentorship. It's always refreshing and energizing to learn something new.

Exude Authentic Confidence

Believe in yourself because of your journey and all you’ve learned. You’ve earned every stripe. While it’s ok to act confident, nothing beats genuine assurance stemming from experience and knowledge. If there's something you don't know, it's okay to seek help and gain more knowledge. Remember, we learn at every age.

Follow Your Passion

We may have done things that didn’t truly resonate with our core. It’s never too late to do what you love and feel passionate about. When you inject passion into whatever you do, this will transform tasks to sources of joy.

Your mindset can lift you higher. It certainly determines your altitude. As experienced female entrepreneurs, we have a wealth of knowledge. Since wisdom is the ability to use knowledge effectively, when we blend our wisdom with fresh ways of thinking—a rejuvenated perspective—we ensure that our businesses not only survive but thrive.


If you're feeling stuck or unsure about the next step in your business journey, let’s have a conversation. Together, we can navigate the path ahead.

Send your email to Yvonne @ 50andWiserCoaching.com and I will schedule a time to claim your copy of my free Special Report at https://50andWiserCoaching.com/build-your-digital-marketing-foundation No optin required.

Fifty and Wiser: 5 Reasons ‘Passion to Profit’ Businesses Fail and What To Do Instead”

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

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