If you're looking to achieve success in digital marketing, it's important to remember that you're not alone. Thousands of people go online every month with the dream of building a successful business, and while it may seem like only a few make it, the truth is that many successful entrepreneurs are working hard behind the scenes.

You may not hear about their successes as much, as they're often not the ones creating internet marketing courses or boasting about their earnings.

The good news is that there is a simple formula for success in digital marketing, and it doesn't require a lot of money or technical expertise. Instead, it's all about taking a strategic and creative approach to building your business and being consistent in your efforts.

By following through on the tasks and activities that will help you achieve your goals, you, too, can become one of the success stories in the world of digital marketing. So, don't be discouraged by the loud and vocal failures you may see online. Keep working towards your dreams of success.

Be Consistent

Consistency is vital in digital marketing because it helps build customer trust and loyalty.

By consistently publishing content on your blog, email list, and social media, you show your audience that you are committed to being there for them in the long term. Consistent publishing is especially important in today’s fast-paced, digitally-focused world, where people often have many options to choose from.

Consistency helps you stand out and establish yourself as a reliable source of information, products, or services. Having a regular schedule for publishing and launching products is also essential, as this helps your audience know what to expect and keeps them engaged.

If you need help maintaining consistency, you can re-purpose your existing content, outsource it to freelance writers, or purchase ready-made content.

By being consistent, you can better succeed in digital marketing and build a strong relationship with your customers, potential customers, and network.

engaging with your email list is also part of digital marketing

Set Yourself Apart from the Competition

If you’ve gotten into the bad habit of being a cookie-cutter replica of every other successful marketer before you, stop doing that! They may tell you it’s good advice, but the truth is, consumers don’t need a knockoff – they need a genuine niche leader to come onto the scene and give them something they want.

You don’t have to worry about coming out with some mind-blowing, life-altering concept that will upend the world. What you need to think about is how you can teach your niche topic in a way that’s unique to you.

For example, you might be one of only a few marketers using a particular media format, like podcast episodes or video instead of text. Maybe you deliver information in a hybrid way or record “over the shoulder” tutorials so they can see the steps in action.

You might be the kind of marketer who is a strategic risk taker, doing something ahead of the curve before anyone else thinks of it. There’s always someone leading the way – why not you?

Spend time being creative, but also pay attention to how you can put a twist on the usual way of doing or teaching things. Sometimes, a minor tweak or change can bring much attention to your business.

Another thing you can do to set yourself apart from the competition is to stay informed about recent news and trends in your industry. Only a handful of people tend to do this – most wait until everyone’s talking about something to then jump on board.

Use keyword research tools and look for specific ways your audience is looking for information so that you can deliver on it. Your business will perform better if you show up authentically with the right tools for your niche.

Maximize Your Results with Crossover Strategies

As a digital marketer, it is crucial to have crossover strategies to maximize your results. These strategies involve incorporating elements from other business models or niches into your existing business. By doing this, you can tap into new audiences and expand your reach.

For instance, if you specialize in the stress niche, you can consider incorporating content and products related to sleep or weight loss, as these are closely linked to stress levels.

Alternatively, you can take your current business model and branch out into other areas, such as selling Private Label Rights products or offering coaching services. By diversifying your offerings and exploring new opportunities, you can increase your chances of success as a digital marketer.

Utilize a Simple Funnel to Increase Revenue

A marketing funnel is one-way experienced marketers make much more money than new marketers. Be aware, though, that funnels can get very complex.

You only need a simple funnel that starts with a low-end offer and invites people into your world, so they get to know you and the value you bring. Your funnel should offer additional products to help your audience and buyers get more value from you. In addition, this method allows your customers to get top-tier products at a steep discount.

You always want to ensure that your funnel system is set up strategically.

If you have affiliates, they will be more likely to promote your products and services because a strategic funnel will allow them to earn more.

Each tier should increase in cost and value. You never want to make an upsell requirement for a lower tier to work because this frustrates the consumer – especially if they can’t afford to level up. It could also damage any relationship you may have built with your potential and existing customers.

Avoid Self Sabotage

You can be your biggest cheerleader or your biggest saboteur when it comes to achieving online marketing success. Here are three things you can do to prevent struggle and, ultimately, help you get to the level you’re aiming for.

  • First, work on your mindset. If you lack confidence, take steps to improve that. Whether it's using positive affirmations or working with a mentor or coach, you need to do whatever will help you believe in your abilities.
  • Second, get involved in active learning. When you're learning, you're growing, and nothing can stop your momentum. You don't want to get left behind when it comes to niche knowledge or technology and strategies. Technology is changing constantly and rapidly. Take time to keep up with changes, so you're not left behind.
  • And lastly, put a networking system in place to support you so that you're not conducting your business in isolation and struggling alone.

The people in your network are the colleagues who can help when you have a question about a plugin or tactic and have no coworkers to turn to. They’re the people you’ll also be helping when they need some insight.

be happy going at your own pace

Success as a digital marketer requires consistency and an abundance of drive and determination to propel you forward. You can do this! But, it can be achieved. Remember that if anyone tells you you can get rich quickly by becoming a digital marketer, run the other way. You can succeed, and thousands have, but it takes time.



I'm happy to schedule a 20-minute laser session with you to hear your plans to become a digital marketer and create a mini-action plan. If you're just starting, having a coach or mentor can save you a huge learning curve and make unnecessary mistakes. Please send me an email with the subject: Digital Marketer Success and include your phone #. I'll respond as quickly as possible with my calendar link.

Fifty and Wiser: 5 Reasons ‘Passion to Profit’ Businesses Fail and What To Do Instead”

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Yvonne A Jones
Yvonne A Jones

I am Yvonne A Jones, Business, and Life Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist.

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